#include //#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "func.c" #include "def.h" pthread_mutex_t mutex_sens = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; pthread_mutex_t mutex_dev = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; pthread_mutex_t mutex_count = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; char s_sn[256][17], s_name[256][17], s_pl[256][17], counter_sn[256][17], *db, *txt_dir, d_pl[256][17], d_name[256][17]; _Bool debug = 0; char com2[30], com3[30], com1[30], confnd[256]; float temp[256]; int stop=0, i=0, d_col=0, d_type[256], d_port[256], counter_tmp[256], sens_trs=0, rrd_trs=0, dev_trs=0, count_trs=0, gpio_state[256]; unsigned long int counter_data[256]; FILE *LOG_F; //Функция завершения работы int stop_file(void) { int d; if(stop == 2) exit(10); if(stop != 1) { stop = 1; ptolog( debug, LOG_F, "\nЗавершение работы."); for(;;) { if(rrd_trs == 1) { ptolog( debug, LOG_F, "\n"); sleep(3); if(debug == 1)ptolog( debug, LOG_F, "\nВсе потоки остановлены.\n"); remove("term.pid"); stop=2; break; } } } } //Поток мониторинга температур void* sensor_thread(void *arg) { //if(debug == 1)ptolog( debug, LOG_F, "\n%s\n", rrdu1); int d=0; for (;;) { pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex_sens ); d=0; while (i != d) { temp[d] = gettemp(s_sn[d]); if (temp[d] == 6515) ptolog( debug, LOG_F, "Error!\n Con't read temp!\n"); if (temp[d] == 6514) ptolog( debug, LOG_F, "CRC Error!\n"); if (temp[d] == 6513) ptolog( debug, LOG_F, "Error! Device [%s] not found!\n",s_sn[d]); d++; } if(debug == 1) { for(d=0; d!=i; d++) { ptolog( debug, LOG_F, "Sens thread\n"); ptolog( debug, LOG_F, "Temp on sensor #%d, %s: %f.3\n", d, s_name[d], temp[d]); } } pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex_sens ); sleep(1); if(stop != 0) { ptolog( debug, LOG_F, "."); sens_trs = 1; break; } } return NULL; } //Поток записи данных в базу void* rrdrec_thread(void *arg) { char rrdu1[strlen(CONFIG_DIR) + strlen(db) + 32], rrdut[(i * 7) + 1], f_name[28]; sprintf(rrdu1, "/usr/bin/rrdtool update %s/%s.rrd N", CONFIG_DIR, db); char rrduc[strlen(rrdu1) + (i * 7) + 1], gpioc_state[d_col][17]; int m = 0; for(;;) { pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex_sens ); bzero(rrdut, (i * 7) + 1); m = 0; while (i != m) { if(debug == 1)ptolog( debug, LOG_F, "\nTemp %d in %s: %.3f\n", m, s_name[m], temp[m]); if (temp[m] < 6510) sprintf(rrdut, "%s:%.3f", rrdut, temp[m]); if (temp[m] > 6510) { sprintf(rrdut, "%s:", rrdut); ptolog( debug, LOG_F, "\nНевозможжно получить данные с датчика %d,", m); } sprintf(f_name, "sens%d.txt", m); if (temp[m] != 6514)write_txt_file(txt_dir, f_name, "%.3f", temp[m]); m++; } m = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_count); while (d_col != m) { if(d_type[m] == 2) { sprintf(f_name, "device%d.txt", m); if(d_col != 456)write_txt_file(txt_dir, f_name, "%u",counter_data[m]); } m++; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_count); m = 0; pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex_dev ); while (d_col != m) { if(d_type[m] != 2) { sprintf(f_name, "device%d.txt", m); if(d_col != 456)write_txt_file(txt_dir, f_name, "%d", gpio_state[m]); } m++; } pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex_dev ); sprintf(rrduc, "%s%s", rrdu1, rrdut); if(debug == 1)ptolog( debug, LOG_F, "\nКоманда внесения в базу:%s\n", rrduc); if (strlen(rrdut) != 0) system(rrduc); if(debug == 1)ptolog( debug, LOG_F, "\nrrd thread\n"); pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex_sens ); sleep(2); if(stop != 0) { ptolog( debug, LOG_F, "."); rrd_trs = 1; break; } } return NULL; } //Поток подсчета воды void* con_thread(void *arg) { int cory[d_col], g, c_col; c_col=d_col; for(;;) { pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_count); if(debug == 1)ptolog( debug, LOG_F, "Count thread"); for(g=0; g!=c_col; g++) { if(d_type[g] == 2) { //counter_tmp[g]=digitalRead(g); if(debug == 1)ptolog( debug, LOG_F, "Cor:%u, Now:%u\n", cory[g], counter_tmp[g]); if(counter_tmp[g] == 1 & counter_tmp[g] != cory[g]) { counter_data[g]++; cory[g]=counter_tmp[g]; } if(debug == 1) ptolog( debug, LOG_F, "Текущии данные, холодная вода(%s):%u\n", counter_sn[g], counter_data[g]); if(counter_tmp[g] == 0 & counter_tmp[g] != cory[g]) cory[g]=counter_tmp[g]; } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_count); if(stop != 0) { ptolog( debug, LOG_F, "."); count_trs = 1; break; } sleep(1); } return NULL; } //Поток мониторинга состояния устройств void* dev_thread(void *arg) { int d; for(;;) { sleep(1); pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_dev); for(d=0; d!=d_col; d++) { if(d_type[d] != 2) { //gpio_state[d]=digitalRead(d); if(debug==1)ptolog( debug, LOG_F, "gpio_state=%d\n",gpio_state[d]); } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_dev); if(stop != 0) { ptolog( debug, LOG_F, "."); dev_trs = 1; break; } } return NULL; } int termd(_Bool gdebug, _Bool dem, _Bool no_write, char *config_file, char *log_file) { dictionary * conf; int d = 0, chk = 0, pid = 0; char flog[100]; pthread_attr_t attr; pthread_t info; pthread_attr_init(&attr); void (*TermSignal)(int); TermSignal = signal(SIGTERM, stop_file); void (*IntSignal)(int); IntSignal = signal(SIGINT, stop_file); void (*QuitSignal)(int); QuitSignal = signal(SIGQUIT, stop_file); sprintf(flog, "%s/%s", CONFIG_DIR, LOG_FILE); LOG_F = fopen( flog, "at"); /*if (wiringPiSetup() == -1) { ptolog( debug, LOG_F, "Не обнаружина библиотека WiringPi или невозможно её иницилизировать.\nВыход...\n"); exit (1); }*/ pid = getpid(); ptolog( debug, LOG_F,"\nPid:%d\n",pid); write_txt_file(CONFIG_DIR, "term.pid", "%d", pid); sprintf(confnd, "%s/%s", CONFIG_DIR, CONFIG_FILE); conf = iniparser_load(confnd); debug = iniparser_getint(conf, "main:debug", 0); if(gdebug == 1) debug = 1; if(iniparser_getstring(conf, "t_sensors", "error") == "error") chk = 1; if(iniparser_getstring(conf, "main", "error") == "error") chk = 1; if ( chk != 0 ) { ptolog( debug, LOG_F, "\nПроблема, некоректный файл конфигурации.\n"); sleep(3); return 20; sprintf(com1, "rm -f %s", CONFIG_FILE); system(com1); iniparser_freedict(conf); if (cre_conf(CONFIG_DIR, CONFIG_FILE) != 0) { perror("\n Ошибка создания файла конфигурации"); exit(2); } conf = iniparser_load(confnd); } i = iniparser_getint(conf, "t_sensors:sens_col", 456); //Загрузка количества датчиков if (i == 456) { perror("Not found sensors!\n"); exit(3); } //Загрузка данных в память d = 0; txt_dir = iniparser_getstring(conf, "main:txt_dir", "/tmp/"); db = iniparser_getstring(conf, "main:db_name", "none"); while (i != d) { sprintf(com3, "t_sensors:sens%d", d); sprintf(s_sn[d], "%s", iniparser_getstring(conf, com3, "none")); sprintf(com3, "t_sensors:sens%d_name", d); sprintf(s_name[d], "%s", iniparser_getstring(conf, com3, "none")); sprintf(com3, "t_sensors:sens%d_place", d); sprintf(s_pl[d], "%s", iniparser_getstring(conf, com3, "none")); if(debug == 1)ptolog( debug, LOG_F, "\nSensor№%d\n SN:%s \n Name:%s \n", d, s_sn[d] , s_name[d] ); d++; } d_col = iniparser_getint(conf, "dev:device_col", 456); //Загрузка количества устройств if (d_col == 456) { ptolog( debug, LOG_F, "Not found device!\n"); //exit(3); } d=0; while (d_col != d) { sprintf(com3, "dev:device%d_name", d); sprintf(d_name[d], "%s", iniparser_getstring(conf, com3, "none")); sprintf(com3, "dev:device%d_place", d); sprintf(d_pl[d], "%s", iniparser_getstring(conf, com3, "none")); sprintf(com3, "dev:device%d_port", d); d_port[d] = iniparser_getint(conf, com3, 456); sprintf(com3, "dev:device%d_type", d); d_type[d] = iniparser_getint(conf, com3, 456); sprintf(com3, "dev:device%d_sn", d); if(d_port[d]<= 20) { if(d_type != 2) { sprintf(com3,"echo \"%d\" > /sys/class/gpio/export", d); system(com3); sprintf(com3,"echo \"out\" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio%d/direction", d); system(com3); } //else pinMode(d_port[d], INPUT); } sprintf(counter_sn[d], iniparser_getstring(conf, com3, "none")); sprintf(com3, "count:counter%d", d); counter_data[d] = atol(iniparser_getstring(conf, com3, "456")); d++; } //Запуск потоков if (pthread_create(&info, NULL, sensor_thread, NULL) != 0) { ptolog( debug, LOG_F, "Unable to start sensors thread\n"); exit(3); } if (pthread_create(&info, NULL, rrdrec_thread, NULL) != 0) { ptolog( debug, LOG_F, "Unable to start RRD Update thread\n"); exit(2); } if (pthread_create(&info, NULL, con_thread, NULL) != 0) { ptolog( debug, LOG_F, "Unable to start counter thread\n"); exit(2); } if (pthread_create(&info, NULL, dev_thread, NULL) != 0) { ptolog( debug, LOG_F, "Unable to start device thread\n"); exit(2); } //Главный цикл while(stop == 0) { sleep(1); } sleep(3); pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex_count ); iniparser_set(conf, "count", NULL); for(d=0; d != d_col; d++) { sprintf(com2, "%u", counter_data[d]); sprintf(com1, "count:counter%d", d); if(debug == 1)ptolog( debug, LOG_F, "#%d=%u\n",d , counter_data[d]); iniparser_set(conf, com1, com2); } iniparser_save(conf, confnd); iniparser_freedict(conf); pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex_count ); return 0; }