/* Name: osccal.c * Author: Christian Starkjohann * Creation Date: 2008-04-10 * Tabsize: 4 * Copyright: (c) 2008 by OBJECTIVE DEVELOPMENT Software GmbH * License: GNU GPL v2 (see License.txt), GNU GPL v3 or proprietary (CommercialLicense.txt) * This Revision: $Id: osccal.c 762 2009-08-12 17:10:30Z cs $ */ #include #include #include "usbdrv.h" #if USB_CFG_HAVE_MEASURE_FRAME_LENGTH #ifndef uchar #define uchar unsigned char #endif /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------ Oscillator Calibration ------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void oscInit(void) { uchar calibrationValue; calibrationValue = eeprom_read_byte(0); if(calibrationValue != 0xff) OSCCAL = calibrationValue; else { #if USB_CFG_CLOCK_KHZ==12800 OSCCAL = 232; #else OSCCAL += 4; /* 8.00 -> 8.25MHz */ #endif } } /* Calibrate the RC oscillator. Our timing reference is the Start Of Frame * signal (a single SE0 bit) repeating every millisecond immediately after * a USB RESET. We first do a binary search for the OSCCAL value and then * optimize this value with a neighboorhod search. */ void calibrateOscillator(void) { int x, optimumDev, targetValue = (unsigned)(1499 * (double)F_CPU / 10.5e6 + 0.5); uchar optimumValue; #if USB_CFG_CLOCK_KHZ==12800 uchar step = 32; uchar trialValue = 192; #else uchar step = 64; uchar trialValue = 0; #endif uchar org; int err; org = OSCCAL; /* keep the original value */ /* keep the current error ... */ err = usbMeasureFrameLength() - targetValue; if(err < 0) err = -err; #if USB_CFG_CLOCK_KHZ==16500 OSCCAL = 0x98; /* select a split range - O.Tamura */ x = usbMeasureFrameLength(); if(x < targetValue) trialValue = 128; #endif /* do a binary search: */ do{ OSCCAL = trialValue + step; x = usbMeasureFrameLength(); /* proportional to current real frequency */ if(x < targetValue) /* frequency still too low */ trialValue += step; step >>= 1; }while(step > 0); /* This calibration may fail if the other low-speed device is connected to the same host controller (by downstream broadcast packet). - O.Tamura */ x -= targetValue; if(x < 0) x = -x; if( x>err ) { OSCCAL = org; return; } /* We have a precision of +/- 2 for optimum OSCCAL here */ /* now do a neighborhood search for optimum value */ optimumValue = trialValue; optimumDev = x; /* this is certainly far away from optimum */ for(OSCCAL = trialValue - 2; OSCCAL <= trialValue + 2; OSCCAL++){ x = usbMeasureFrameLength() - targetValue; if(x < 0) x = -x; if(x < optimumDev){ optimumDev = x; optimumValue = OSCCAL; } } OSCCAL = optimumValue; if( eeprom_read_byte(0)!=optimumValue ) eeprom_write_byte(0, optimumValue); } /* Note: This calibration algorithm may try OSCCAL values of up to 192 even if the optimum value is far below 192. It may therefore exceed the allowed clock frequency of the CPU in low voltage designs! You may replace this search algorithm with any other algorithm you like if you have additional constraints such as a maximum CPU clock. For version 5.x RC oscillators (those with a split range of 2x128 steps, e.g. ATTiny25, ATTiny45, ATTiny85), it may be useful to search for the optimum in both regions. */ #endif