/* * some code to handle desktop files * http://www.freedesktop.org/Standards/desktop-entry-spec * * This is really very simple and basic: next to no locale handling, * no caching, no other clever tricks ... * ida + fbi only use the Comment= entry of .directory files. * * (c) 2004 Gerd Hoffmann * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "list.h" #include "desktop.h" extern int debug; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* desktop files are in utf-8 */ static int iconv_string(char *to, char *from, char *src, char *dst, size_t max) { size_t ilen = strlen(src); size_t olen = max-1; iconv_t ic; ic = iconv_open(to,from); if (NULL == ic) return 0; while (ilen > 0) { if (-1 == iconv(ic,&src,&ilen,&dst,&olen)) { /* skip + quote broken byte unless we are out of space */ if (E2BIG == errno) break; if (olen < 4) break; sprintf(dst,"\\x%02x",(int)(unsigned char)src[0]); src += 1; dst += 4; ilen -= 1; olen -= 4; } } dst[0] = 0; iconv_close(ic); return max-1 - olen; } int utf8_to_locale(char *src, char *dst, size_t max) { char *codeset = nl_langinfo(CODESET); return iconv_string(codeset, "UTF-8", src, dst, max); } int locale_to_utf8(char *src, char *dst, size_t max) { char *codeset = nl_langinfo(CODESET); return iconv_string("UTF-8", codeset, src, dst, max); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* read/write desktop files */ struct desktop_line { struct list_head next; char line[1024]; }; static int read_file(char *filename, struct list_head *file) { struct desktop_line *l; int len,count = 0; FILE *fp; INIT_LIST_HEAD(file); fp = fopen(filename,"r"); if (NULL == fp) { if (debug) fprintf(stderr,"open %s: %s\n",filename,strerror(errno)); return 0; } for (;;) { l = malloc(sizeof(*l)); memset(l,0,sizeof(*l)); if (NULL == fgets(l->line,sizeof(l->line),fp)) { free(l); break; } len = strlen(l->line); if (l->line[len-1] == '\n') l->line[len-1] = 0; list_add_tail(&l->next,file); count++; } fclose(fp); return count; } static int write_file(char *filename, struct list_head *file) { struct desktop_line *l; struct list_head *item; FILE *fp; fp = fopen(filename,"w"); if (NULL == fp) { fprintf(stderr,"open %s: %s\n",filename,strerror(errno)); return 0; } list_for_each(item,file) { l = list_entry(item, struct desktop_line, next); fprintf(fp,"%s\n",l->line); } fclose(fp); return 0; } static int dump_file(struct list_head *file) { struct desktop_line *l; struct list_head *item; fprintf(stderr,"\n"); fprintf(stderr,"+--------------------\n"); list_for_each(item,file) { l = list_entry(item, struct desktop_line, next); fprintf(stderr,"| %s\n",l->line); } return 0; } static int free_file(struct list_head *file) { struct desktop_line *l; while (!list_empty(file)) { l = list_entry(file->next, struct desktop_line, next); list_del(&l->next); free(l); } return 0; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static char* get_entry(struct list_head *file, char *entry) { struct desktop_line *l; struct list_head *item; int in_desktop_entry = 0; int len = strlen(entry); list_for_each(item,file) { l = list_entry(item, struct desktop_line, next); if (0 == strcmp(l->line,"[Desktop Entry]")) { in_desktop_entry = 1; continue; } if (0 == strncmp(l->line,"[",1)) { in_desktop_entry = 0; continue; } if (!in_desktop_entry) continue; if (0 == strncmp(l->line,entry,len)) return l->line+len; } return NULL; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int add_line(struct list_head *file, char *line) { struct desktop_line *add; add = malloc(sizeof(*add)); memset(add,0,sizeof(*add)); snprintf(add->line,sizeof(add->line),"%s",line); list_add_tail(&add->next,file); return 0; } static int add_entry(struct list_head *file, char *entry, char *value) { struct desktop_line *l,*add; struct list_head *item; list_for_each(item,file) { l = list_entry(item, struct desktop_line, next); if (0 != strcmp(l->line,"[Desktop Entry]")) continue; add = malloc(sizeof(*add)); memset(add,0,sizeof(*add)); snprintf(add->line,sizeof(add->line),"%s%s",entry,value); list_add(&add->next,item); return 0; } return -1; } static int set_entry(struct list_head *file, char *type, char *entry, char *value) { struct desktop_line *l; struct list_head *item; int in_desktop_entry = 0; int len = strlen(entry); list_for_each(item,file) { l = list_entry(item, struct desktop_line, next); if (0 == strcmp(l->line,"[Desktop Entry]")) { in_desktop_entry = 1; continue; } if (0 == strncmp(l->line,"[",1)) { in_desktop_entry = 0; continue; } if (!in_desktop_entry) continue; if (0 == strncmp(l->line,entry,len)) { snprintf(l->line,sizeof(l->line),"%s%s",entry,value); return 0; } } if (0 != add_entry(file,entry,value)) { add_line(file,"[Desktop Entry]"); add_entry(file,"Type=",type); add_entry(file,entry,value); } return 0; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* public interface */ int desktop_read_entry(char *filename, char *entry, char *dest, size_t max) { struct list_head file; char *value; int rc = 0; read_file(filename,&file); if (debug) dump_file(&file); value = get_entry(&file,entry); if (NULL != value) { rc = utf8_to_locale(value,dest,max); if (rc && debug) fprintf(stderr,"# %s\n",dest); }; free_file(&file); return rc; } int desktop_write_entry(char *filename, char *type, char *entry, char *value) { struct list_head file; char utf8[1024]; read_file(filename,&file); locale_to_utf8(value,utf8,sizeof(utf8)); set_entry(&file,"Directory",entry,utf8); write_file(filename,&file); free_file(&file); return 0; }