"lang" { "Language" "English" "Tokens" { "hl2_AmmoFull" "FULL" "HL2_357Handgun" ".357 MAGNUM" "HL2_Pulse_Rifle" "OVERWATCH STANDARD ISSUE\n(PULSE-RIFLE)" "HL2_Bugbait" "PHEROPOD\n(BUGBAIT)" "HL2_Crossbow" "CROSSBOW" "HL2_Crowbar" "CROWBAR" "HL2_Grenade" "GRENADE" "HL2_GravityGun" "ZERO-POINT ENERGY GUN\n(GRAVITY GUN)" "HL2_Pistol" "9MM PISTOL" "HL2_RPG" "RPG\n(ROCKET PROPELLED GRENADE)" "HL2_Shotgun" "SHOTGUN" "HL2_SMG1" "SMG\n(SUBMACHINE GUN)" "HL2_SLAM" "S.L.A.M\n(Selectable Lightweight Attack Munition)" "HL2_StunBaton" "STUNSTICK" "HL2_357Handgun_Menu" ".357 MAGNUM" "HL2_Pulse_Rifle_Menu" "PULSE RIFLE" "HL2_Crossbow_Menu" "CROSSBOW" "HL2_Crowbar_Menu" "CROWBAR" "HL2_Grenade_Menu" "GRENADE" "HL2_GravityGun_Menu" "GRAVITY GUN" "HL2_Pistol_Menu" "9MM PISTOL" "HL2_RPG_Menu" "RPG" "HL2_Shotgun_Menu" "SHOTGUN" "HL2_SMG1_Menu" "SMG" "HL2_SLAM_Menu" "S.L.A.M" "HL2_StunBaton_Menu" "STUNSTICK" "HL2MP_Scoreboard_DM" "Deathmatch" "HL2MP_Scoreboard_Rebels" "Rebels" "HL2MP_SCoreboard_Combine" "Combine" "HL2MP_Scoreboard_Score" "Kills" "HL2MP_Scoreboard_Deaths" "Deaths" "ScoreBoard_Player" "%s1 - %s2 player" "ScoreBoard_Players" "%s1 - %s2 players" "ScoreBoard_Deathmatch" "Deathmatch" "ScoreBoard_TeamDeathmatch" "Team Deathmatch" "ScoreBoard_Spectator" "%s1 spectator: %s2" "ScoreBoard_Spectator" "%s1 spectators: %s2" "Scoreboard_Server" "%s1" "Scoreboard_Ping" "Ping" "Playerid_sameteam" "Friend: %s1 Health: %s2" "Playerid_diffteam" "Enemy: %s1" "Playerid_noteam" "%s1 Health:%s2" "Team" "Team %s1" "Game_connected" "%s1 connected" "Game_disconnected" "%s1 has left the game" "Cannot_Be_Spectator" "This server does not allow spectating" // Radio and chat strings can have control characters embedded to set colors. For the control characters to be used, one must be at the start of the string. // The control characters can be copied and pasted in notepad. //  = 0x02 (STX) - Use team color up to the end of the player name. This only works at the start of the string, and precludes using the other control characters. //  = 0x03 (ETX) - Use team color from this point forward //  = 0x04 (EOT) - Use location color from this point forward //  = 0x01 (SOH) - Use normal color from this point forward "HL2MP_Chat_Team_Loc" "(TEAM) %s1 @ %s3 : %s2" "HL2MP_Chat_Team" "(TEAM) %s1 : %s2" "HL2MP_Chat_Team_Dead" "*DEAD*(TEAM) %s1 : %s2" "HL2MP_Chat_Spec" "(Spectator) %s1 : %s2" "HL2MP_Chat_All" "%s1 : %s2" "HL2MP_Chat_AllDead" "*DEAD* %s1 : %s2" "HL2MP_Chat_AllSpec" "*SPEC* %s1 : %s2" "HL2MP_Name_Change" "* %s1 changed name to %s2" } }