0missingIncludeSystemstyleCppcheck cannot find all the include files (use --check-config for details)
59unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'get_scsd' is never used.
67unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'get_scsf' is never used.
75unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'get_scsi' is never used.
83unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'get_scsl' is never used.
99unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'bbzero' is never used.
105unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'fzero' is never used.
110unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'dzero' is never used.
116unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'lzero' is never used.
122unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'izero' is never used.
128unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'bfoll' is never used.
133unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'get_signal_qua' is never used.
141unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'tobool' is never used.
207unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'splint_narod' is never used.
72unusedVariablestyleUnused variable: ErrorAddr
74unusedVariablestyleUnused variable: x
75unusedVariablestyleUnused variable: TraceSize
92unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'SetFdLimit' is never used.
111variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'y' can be reduced.
123redundantAssignmentstyleVariable 'uart0_filestream' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
217usleepCalledstyleObsolescent function 'usleep' called. It is recommended to use 'nanosleep' or 'setitimer' instead.
225usleepCalledstyleObsolescent function 'usleep' called. It is recommended to use 'nanosleep' or 'setitimer' instead.
270bzeroCalledstyleObsolescent function 'bzero' called. It is recommended to use 'memset' instead.
272bzeroCalledstyleObsolescent function 'bzero' called. It is recommended to use 'memset' instead.
273bzeroCalledstyleObsolescent function 'bzero' called. It is recommended to use 'memset' instead.
332invalidPrintfArgType_uintstyle%u in format string (no. 6) requires 'unsigned int' but the argument type is 'unsigned long'.
444localtimeCalledstyleNon reentrant function 'localtime' called. For threadsafe applications it is recommended to use the reentrant replacement function 'localtime_r'.
553unusedVariablestyleUnused variable: g
607variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'rx_length' can be reduced.
24unreadVariablestyleVariable 'g' is assigned a value that is never used.
26bzeroCalledstyleObsolescent function 'bzero' called. It is recommended to use 'memset' instead.
72deallocDeallocerrorDeallocating a deallocated pointer: F
100unusedVariablestyleUnused variable: fp
102localtimeCalledstyleNon reentrant function 'localtime' called. For threadsafe applications it is recommended to use the reentrant replacement function 'localtime_r'.
204variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'temp' can be reduced.
205bzeroCalledstyleObsolescent function 'bzero' called. It is recommended to use 'memset' instead.
206bzeroCalledstyleObsolescent function 'bzero' called. It is recommended to use 'memset' instead.
207bzeroCalledstyleObsolescent function 'bzero' called. It is recommended to use 'memset' instead.
217invalidscanfstylescanf() without field width limits can crash with huge input data.
281variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'uart0_filestream' can be reduced.
283variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'rx' can be reduced.
287uninitvarerrorUninitialized variable: uart0_filestream
301readdirCalledstyleNon reentrant function 'readdir' called. For threadsafe applications it is recommended to use the reentrant replacement function 'readdir_r'.
333readdirCalledstyleNon reentrant function 'readdir' called. For threadsafe applications it is recommended to use the reentrant replacement function 'readdir_r'.
338readdirCalledstyleNon reentrant function 'readdir' called. For threadsafe applications it is recommended to use the reentrant replacement function 'readdir_r'.
339redundantAssignmentstyleVariable 'sen_n' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
339readdirCalledstyleNon reentrant function 'readdir' called. For threadsafe applications it is recommended to use the reentrant replacement function 'readdir_r'.
345readdirCalledstyleNon reentrant function 'readdir' called. For threadsafe applications it is recommended to use the reentrant replacement function 'readdir_r'.
360bzeroCalledstyleObsolescent function 'bzero' called. It is recommended to use 'memset' instead.
397bzeroCalledstyleObsolescent function 'bzero' called. It is recommended to use 'memset' instead.
404sprintfOverlappingDataerrorUndefined behavior: Variable 'rrd2' is used as parameter and destination in s[n]printf().
431incorrectLogicOperatorstyleLogical conjunction always evaluates to false: type >= 6 && type <= 0.
496invalidscanfstylescanf() without field width limits can crash with huge input data.
509invalidscanfstylescanf() without field width limits can crash with huge input data.
518memleakerrorMemory leak: sc_sn
518memleakerrorMemory leak: sc_name
518memleakerrorMemory leak: sc_place
518memleakerrorMemory leak: sc_type
524variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'com1' can be reduced.
527bzeroCalledstyleObsolescent function 'bzero' called. It is recommended to use 'memset' instead.
553unusedVariablestyleUnused variable: tempc
553unusedVariablestyleUnused variable: rrdut
555unusedVariablestyleUnused variable: temp
678unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'init_uart' is never used.
747variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'rx_length' can be reduced.
190variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'y' can be reduced.
190variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'secr' can be reduced.
254variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'unixtime' can be reduced.
287localtimeCalledstyleNon reentrant function 'localtime' called. For threadsafe applications it is recommended to use the reentrant replacement function 'localtime_r'.
493invalidPrintfArgType_uintstyle%u in format string (no. 6) requires 'unsigned int' but the argument type is 'unsigned long'.
64variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'd' can be reduced.
108variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'm' can be reduced.
113bzeroCalledstyleObsolescent function 'bzero' called. It is recommended to use 'memset' instead.
118sprintfOverlappingDataerrorUndefined behavior: Variable 'rrdut' is used as parameter and destination in s[n]printf().
120sprintfOverlappingDataerrorUndefined behavior: Variable 'rrdut' is used as parameter and destination in s[n]printf().
187clarifyConditionstyleBoolean result is used in bitwise operation. Clarify expression with parentheses.
193clarifyConditionstyleBoolean result is used in bitwise operation. Clarify expression with parentheses.
252unreadVariablestyleVariable 'TermSignal' is assigned a value that is never used.
255unreadVariablestyleVariable 'IntSignal' is assigned a value that is never used.
259unreadVariablestyleVariable 'QuitSignal' is assigned a value that is never used.
284unreachableCodestyleStatements following return, break, continue, goto or throw will never be executed.
337bufferAccessOutOfBoundserrorBuffer is accessed out of bounds: com3
339bufferAccessOutOfBoundserrorBuffer is accessed out of bounds: com3
383invalidPrintfArgType_uintstyle%u in format string (no. 1) requires 'unsigned int' but the argument type is 'unsigned long'.
15unusedVariablestyleUnused variable: df
35invalidPrintfArgType_sintstyle%d in format string (no. 2) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'char *'.
35invalidPrintfArgType_sintstyle%d in format string (no. 3) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'char *'.
35wrongPrintfScanfArgNumstyleprintf format string requires 4 parameters but 5 are given.
13variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'd' can be reduced.
38unreachableCodestyleStatements following return, break, continue, goto or throw will never be executed.
52unreachableCodestyleStatements following return, break, continue, goto or throw will never be executed.
67invalidscanfstylescanf() without field width limits can crash with huge input data.
71invalidscanfstylescanf() without field width limits can crash with huge input data.
60unreadVariablestyleVariable 'res' is assigned a value that is never used.
62unreadVariablestyleVariable 'delim' is assigned a value that is never used.
65variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'tmp' can be reduced.
21unreadVariablestyleVariable 'tmp_ind' is assigned a value that is never used.
55unreadVariablestyleVariable 'tmp_col' is assigned a value that is never used.
78variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'tmp' can be reduced.
15invalidPrintfArgType_uintstyle%u in format string (no. 1) requires 'unsigned int' but the argument type is 'unsigned long'.
27invalidPrintfArgType_uintstyle%u in format string (no. 3) requires 'unsigned int' but the argument type is 'unsigned long'.